
I am a mostly self-taught potter with a lifelong interest in all things ceramic, only in more recent years with the time and space to fully explore the medium, working from my garden studio in Cookham. I enjoy the tactile challenge and organic nature of hand-building the pottery over using a wheel. Vessels are formed with coils, slabs and also using plaster moulds which I make myself and use for slip casting.

My area of particular interest is in low-tech methods of firing such as Raku. My pots are bisque-fired in an electric kiln, glazed and then fired again outdoors in a gas Raku kiln, or barrel fired in an oil drum. I love the simplicity of the Raku method in which all of nature’s elements are used: earth, fire, air, and water.

For anyone interested in experiencing Raku, I can offer bespoke classes for up to 3 people, at times to suit. This covers making up to 3 pieces, bisque firing, glazing and then learning how to fire the pieces in the gas kiln. Also explore the ‘Naked Raku’ method, which can have such pleasing smoke-pattern effects (see images).

Please see the WORKSHOP page for further details about classes.
Contact me directly for info or subscribe further below to receive updates.

Caroline removing raku items from the kiln

“Rejoice in the happy accident”